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Friday, December 6, 2019

5 benefits that exercise brings to your mental health

Breathing the body can be much better for your brain than you imagine

Having an active life brings many benefits to your body, a healthy heart and functional joints are some of them. But did you know that it is also very beneficial for your brain?

If you suffer from specific crises of confidence and stress or need to be distracted, here are five reasons why increasing your physical activity levels can boost your mental health.

1. Release stress

Stress can activate several reactions in your brain that can lead to increased blood pressure or the amount of sweat due to hormones and adrenaline. Cardiovascular training can play an important role in reducing this level of stress in the body. And it costs nothing. How about dressing some shoes and going out for a walk or a run in the park?

2. Improve your mind

Regular exercise, such as walking, running or playing sports, can help you be more alert and improve your concentration. Studies show that an improvement in blood pressure and energy levels associated with moderate-intensity exercise can be vital for mental health. This type of exercise also stimulates the regions of the brain responsible for memory, releasing a chemical that strengthens synapses in the memory circuit.

3. Remove the vices and improve sleep

When you experience something that gives pleasure, the brain releases dopamine, the chemical responsible for vices, be it alcohol, drugs or even food. Exercising takes the focus of those kinds of habits and takes you away from them. People who have recently left a vice experience, as a rule, sleep problems. Exercise can help reprogram the biological clock, establishing normal sleep patterns.

4. Repel worries and depression

There are many who neglect work breaks or continue working when the energies have already reached very low levels. Giving yourself an hour to get rid of yourself is a great way to prevent or control depression. Do not forget that physical exercises have very few side effects, unlike many medications for the disease. So, how about channeling your energy into a more intense cardiovascular workout or discovering your most Zen side in a Yoga class? The benefits will be obvious.

5. Reduces the risks of dementia and cognitive diseases

With the increase in average life expectancy, the number of people affected by dementia or cognitive diseases that lead to memory loss and attention has increased. The good news is that physical activity has a positive effect on the delay of such diseases while reducing the risk by up to 30%.

And now? Did you get inspired to start sweating?

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