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Saturday, December 7, 2019

Green Tea For Weight Loss And Some Other Great Weight Loss Secrets

The average person gains 700 grams in weight each year. If you add that up over a lifetime, it’s no wonder we talk around a “moderately aged spread”. When you hit forty it’s possible you will be carrying an extra 14 kilograms on top of your 20-year-old body weight.

Green Tea For Weight Loss And Some Other Great Weight Loss Secrets

Some people gain a lot more than 700 grams each year, while others, of course, gain less. Some health experts say simply that maintaining a stable body weight year on year will put you way ahead on the health stakes and reduce your risk of serious"lifestyle" afflictions, for instance, coronary disease, diabetes, and even a couple of sorts of harm.

So what are the tricks to maintaining healthy body weight, or even losing a bit of weight before you hit the 40 plus 14 situations? Is it just about eating salads and sipping water instead of beer? The good news is, maintaining your weight is not as hard as it might seem. It takes common sense, an awareness of when your personal circumstances change (for example, your work gets out of control and you start exercising less and eating more frequently at your desk), and setting up some good habits. There are additionally some tricky eating tips that can assist you with consuming fat!

Five things you must get a handle on if you want to lose some weight

  1. Soft drinks: Soft drinks, energy drinks, cordials, and supermarket fruit juices are empty calories and loads of them. Drop these off your shopping list and you will see kilos start to slip away in just weeks. Choose pressed juice, or juice-bar juices and drink them while they are fresh. Swap soft drink for low-fat milk or water, or water with a splash of fresh lime or lemon juice. Always water down juice if giving it to children under 12.
  2. Prepared fats: Everyone adores a hot chip occasionally, so satisfy yourself once like clockwork and have a few. The rest of the time, eliminate processed fats from your diet – cooking oils, potato chips, baked goods like muffins and pastries are all very high in “bad” fats that the body can’t get rid of fast enough. Use cold-pressed oils for cooking instead – particularly rice bran for high-heat cooking, and olive oil for salads. Cheese is also a great hip-builder… so save it for special occasions only (birthdays, Christmas), at least till you get that love handles under control.
  3. Alcohol: A relaxing glass of wine or a cold beer after work might be part of your daily routine but there are other ways to relax that is better for your digestion and waistline. Beer is particularly fattening, and both affect the way your body metabolizes fat. Save it up for a Friday night dinner or Sunday lunch, and keep your weeknights alcohol free. The weight will literally melt off you. Promise.
  4.  Go spicy! : Love a curry? Sweet chili sauce? A cup of tea? Good news! Chilli and green tea help your metabolism get going and that means you burn more calories. Add chili and pepper to your meals, and swap from normal black tea to green and you’ll be glad you did. Never heard of green tea for weight loss? It’s a great little secret. Other foods that help you burn more calories include lettuce (you expend more energy digesting lettuce than it gives back!) and other leafy greens, lemon, and, believe it or not, low-fat milk seems to play a role in maintaining stable body weight, though the scientists haven’t yet worked out how exactly.
  5.  Protein: Cereal for breakfast is a habit most of us develop from childhood, but in reality, we really need a protein hit to start the day and get our metabolism moving. The carbs can come in later. Eggs, quiche, chicken, ham, a smoothie with a scoop of protein powder, hummus on toast are all great ways to wake your body up and get it working to burn fat sooner. Avoid sugary foods in the morning – it’ll make you grumpy and tired later. Top up your protein at lunchtime and you’ll be amazed how great you feel into the afternoon. Snack on nuts between meals such as almonds, cashews and Brazil nuts (or try the spread!) – they are a great little protein hit and can help prevent unhealthy snacking.

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